What is the Difference Between Generative AI and Adaptive AI?

Make An App Like
8 min readJun 1, 2023


What is the Difference Between Generative AI and Adaptive AI?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has a history of upending the corporate and technological worlds. With the help of this technological advancement, businesses may automate jobs, increase productivity, and improve client experiences. Generative AI, which is based on pre-programmed rules and structured data, was its most recent hot commodity. It has been the main area of AI development for months, reshaping international organizations left and right.

Today’s experts believe that introducing adaptive AI will be the final step needed to advance the present digital environment. Generative artificial intelligence (GAI) may be something you already know about if you are familiar with the fundamentals of AI. On the other hand, artificial general intelligence (AGI), another sort of AI, might not be as well known to you. Although they have a similar sound, they are not exactly the same. And no, it isn’t just because the letters in their acronym are reversed. What makes the two different, then?

The Main Buzzword- How can Generative AI benefit you?

The branch of computer science known as “generative AI” aims to create unsupervised and semi-supervised algorithms that can generate new content, such as text, audio, video, graphics, and code, from preexisting data. It entails using computer-generated techniques to produce unique and genuine objects. This area of artificial intelligence focuses on developing algorithms that produce new data. It is a subset of machine learning. Generative models have numerous applications, ranging from the visual and performing arts to robots and computer vision. In the context of AI, the term “generative” alludes to these models’ capacity to create new data rather than only recognize it. For instance, a generative model can be trained to produce images that resemble faces by using specific characteristics as inputs, such as the number of eyes or hair color.

In the future, machines will be able to write, code, create, and create art with convincing and occasionally even superhuman outcomes thanks to a new category of massive language models. A very promising area of artificial intelligence that has the potential to advance society significantly is generative AI. It will enable us to create computers that can handle problems that are beyond complicated for traditional algorithms.

When comparing generative and adaptive AI, some developments stand out because they can assist society in many ways, including by discovering answers to urgent issues and improving customer experiences by producing new kinds of art and entertainment.

Here are some examples of how generative AI can enhance our lives:

The output is of exceptional quality since it is created by self-learning from a variety of data sources, such as mixing data from Wikipedia and tens of thousands of other websites to create a phrase with complex grammar rules without any prior programming.

By using algorithms to produce designs customized for certain tasks, generative AI reduces project risks. It enables design teams to produce numerous iterations of a building or structure and evaluate them to determine which one yields the best results.

It doesn’t need any pre-existing training data, it also improves machine learning model accuracy by using less biased models. Instead, it creates its own training depending on the information.

As generative AI can learn about its environment without the aid of sensors or other external data sources, the need for sensors can be removed.

In applications such as facial recognition, picture classification, and image segmentation, generative artificial intelligence (AI) may be used since it has the capacity to learn from experience and other sources and create novel ideas on its own.

Furthermore, since generative AI can learn from examples and use that information to generate new things, robots and computers may better understand abstract theories in real-world and simulated contexts.

Why should businesses adopt Adaptive AI?

A sort of artificial intelligence system that may modify its own code in response to real-world changes that were not expected at the time of its construction is adaptive AI, our next contender in the argument between generative AI and adaptive AI. Organizations utilizing adaptive AI may swiftly and successfully react to disruptions by including adaptation and resilience into their architecture. In light of the recent health and climate crises, flexibility and adaptation have become crucial, according to Erick Brethenoux, Distinguished Vice President Analyst at Gartner.

Adaptive AI systems are more change-resistant because they constantly retrain models or employ alternative techniques to learn and modify both during runtime and during development. By 2026, according to Gartner’s forecast, businesses using AI engineering techniques to create and manage adaptive AI systems would have a 25% advantage over their rivals in terms of the rate and volume of operationalizing AI models.

In order to enable systems to modify their learning processes and behaviors in order to adapt to changing real-world scenarios while they are in use, adaptive AI blends agent-based design methodologies and reinforcement learning approaches. Adaptive AI produces better and more rapid solutions by learning from previous human and machine experiences as well as from real-time surroundings.

Similar to a private tutor, the program tailors the student’s educational experience by choosing what to teach, when to test, and how to gauge progress. Making judgments is an essential but complex process for any firm that calls for the increased independence of decision intelligence systems. However, to add adaptive AI, decision-making processes will need to be redesigned, which is an important consideration when comparing generative and adaptive AI.

Where do we see Adaptive AI at work?

As a result, existing process structures may undergo major changes, and business stakeholders must ensure that AI is used ethically and in accordance with the law. People from the business, IT, and support divisions must work together to adopt adaptive AI systems. This entails finding prospective use cases, learning about the technology, and assessing how it will affect sourcing and resource allocation. Software engineering teams, data and analytics teams, and business stakeholders must collaborate closely to create these solutions. In order to build and execute these adaptive AI systems, AI engineering is essential. As technology develops, the use of AI in business is becoming more and more common, and it is anticipated that in the future, it will be a standard practice. It is anticipated that industrial cloud platforms would host the earliest implementation of AI in business.

# Platforms for commercial clouds

To expand, businesses must make investments in wireless value realization, platform engineering, and industry cloud platforms. By 2027, enterprises will use cloud platforms for more than half of their business endeavors, according to Gartner, and they will start to generate higher profits in 2023. In addition, platform engineering teams are expected to be present in 80% of software engineering firms by 2026, enhancing software delivery and lifecycle management through internal self-service portals.

# Sustainable technologies

In 2023, businesses will have to strike a balance between addressing investors’ primary concerns about profit and sales and their focus on sustainability. Business executives are becoming more conscious of their obligation to use technology to advance environmental aims. The development of AI is continuing to support organizational sustainability, and sustainable technology is becoming a top focus. The goal should be to make technology “sustainable by default,” taking into account its effects on the environment and future generations.

# Electronic immune system

Leaders should concentrate on digital immunity, observable data, and artificial intelligence to maximize their businesses in 2023. A “digital immune system” can lower IT risks and increase corporate value while enhancing system stability and minimizing downtime. Observable data is useful for managing IT systems and monitoring changes, such as logs, traces, and metrics. It offers useful data for making decisions and ought to play a significant role in the overall IT strategy.

# Super-apps

The advent of “super apps,” in the opinion of a tech expert, is one of the most important technological trends for innovators. A super app is a multi-functional platform that combines the advantages of an app, platform, and digital ecosystem in order to boost business efficiency and replace many apps. It offers a one-stop shop for goods and services and enables users to access mini-apps from independent platforms. Over 50% of the world’s population will reportedly utilize super applications by 2027.

Difference Between Generative AI and Adaptive AI

comparison table highlighting the main differences between generative AI and adaptive AI:

#Generative AIAdaptive AIGoalCreate new and original contentAdapt and improve behavior based on feedbackTrainingLearns patterns and structures within training dataLearns from new data and adjusts behaviorOutputGenerates new content similar to training dataMakes decisions or predictions based on feedbackFocusCreativity and output generationLearning from interactions and adaptationTechniquesGenerative adversarial networks, VAEs, deep belief networks, etc.Reinforcement learning, online learning, etc.ApplicationsImage generation, music composition, text generation, etc.Dynamic decision-making, adaptive systems, etc.ExampleGenerating realistic images from a given set of imagesAdjusting a recommendation system based on user feedbackDifference Between Generative AI and Adaptive AI

Generative AI (Example: Generating Handwritten Digits using Variational Autoencoders):

pythonCopy code

import numpy as np

import tensorflow as tf
# Define and train a variational autoencoder model on MNIST dataset

# …
# Generate new digits using the trained model

latent_dim = 10

random_latent_vectors = np.random.normal(size=(10, latent_dim))

generated_digits = model.decoder.predict(random_latent_vectors)

Adaptive AI (Example: Building a Recommender System using Collaborative Filtering):

pythonCopy codeimport pandas as pd

import numpy as np

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
# Load user-item ratings data

ratings_data = pd.read_csv(‘ratings.csv’)
# Split data into train and test sets

train_data, test_data = train_test_split(ratings_data, test_size=0.2)
# Compute user-item similarity matrix

user_item_matrix = train_data.pivot(index=’user_id’, columns=’item_id’, values=’rating’).fillna(0)

item_item_similarity = cosine_similarity(user_item_matrix.T)
# Make recommendations for a specific user

user_id = 100

user_ratings = user_item_matrix.loc.values.reshape(1, -1)

item_scores = np.dot(user_ratings, item_item_similarity) / np.sum(np.abs(item_item_similarity))

recommended_items = item_scores.argsort()

There are two distinct subfields of artificial intelligence: generative AI and adaptive AI.

AI systems that generate new content, such as writing, graphics, or music, based on previously collected data are referred to as generative AI systems. It creates fresh data from the start using deep learning algorithms, which may be applied to various tasks, including creating realistic photos or new music. On the other hand, adaptive AI refers to AI systems that learn and adjust to changing conditions. These systems are appropriate for usage in dynamic contexts where the data and conditions continually change. They may modify their behavior in real-time based on fresh information or feedback. Systems with adaptive AI include recommendation engines, self-driving cars, and preventative maintenance programs.

Generative AI generates new data, whereas Adaptive AI modifies its behavior in response to shifting circumstances. Together, these two AI paradigms are assisting us in building a world that is more intelligent, efficient, and responsive to our unique wants and preferences. Ultimately, integrating adaptive systems will open the door for creative business strategies, resulting in new business models, goods, and channels that will do away with silos of decision-making. Contrary to conventional AI systems, adaptive AI can modify its own code to account for changes in the actual world that weren’t anticipated or known at the time the code was first developed. Organizations that include adaptation and resilience in their designs in this way can respond to crises more rapidly and successfully.



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